TermAppISONFT: Orkhestra Cross Test Resource Usage Summary

## Loading required package: lattice
## Attaching package: 'BSDA'
## The following object is masked from 'package:datasets':
##     Orange
##  : starts:  Mon Jul 15 22:48:08 2024


There are two elements to this cross test resource usage comparison report. The first compares the current test sessions test(s) estimate of resource and measure for each server group to the corresponding pooled estimates of the resource and measure for that group. The second compares each of the tests current and earlier tests individually for each resource and measure for each server group.

For the pooled comparison, the resource usage data for each resource type and measure of each server group (as grouped by the corresponding server classification file) for the current test(s) (the last set of tests by date) are isolated as individual tests and compared to the corresponding pooled resource usage distribution using a Welch modified two-sample t-test (tsum.test) based on the distribution parameters. Each resource type and measure, the estimation of the background usage (Bias, or load independent resource usage), for that resource and measure for the current test(s) are compared to the estimated pooled background usage of that resource type and measure. In a similar way, the estimation of the usage rate (Rate, or load dependant resource usage, the measure of the cost in terms of the corresponding resource for a rate of one customer arrival per second). For the pooling, the previous test results are filtered so that only the tests for which there is some confidence in the corresponding coefficient estimate are included in the pool statistics. A set resource usage coefficient estimate is included in the pooling of the corresponding \(p\)-value does not exceed \(\alpha\) = 0.05 (so that there is some confidence in the pooled coefficients). The Bias and Rate together with the actual customer arrival rate (ArrivalRate) give an estimation of the cost in terms of the resource being considered as \(\mbox{TotalCost} = \mbox{Bias}+\mbox{ArrivalRate}*\mbox{Rate}\).

For each of the resource types and measures (Percent CPU Utilisation) and for each of the coefficient estimates (Bias and Rate), three tsum.tests are performed: One two-sided test to for differences in the corresponding distributions, and two one-sided tests, one to test for increases in the resource usage, and one to test for decreases in resource usage (of each of the current tests over pooled prior tests). These comparisons of the tests are ranked by the corresponding \(p\)-values. The items for which the \(p\)-value does not exceed the cut-off \(\alpha\) value (0.05) are high-lighted by reporting them in a ranked table. are included in the corresponding comparison table. Up to the first 15 are included in an accompanying box-plot as well.

This high-lighting is intended to quickly bring outliers or significant changes in resource usage to the readers attention, but the second part of the report includes a full cross test comparison of current and earlier tests each server group, resource and measure, for both Bias and Rate.

These summary results have been taken from the analysis sections of the individual NFT sessions. For the Rate coefficient, only those results which are considered significant in the response of the resource usage to the applied load are included. The Bias parameter is included wherever there was some significance in the estimated intercept value.

The coefficients are determined from linear models regressing the resource usage onto the throughput observed. A model is generated for each server class in the server classification list for the specific project’s server landscape. In each case, the resource usage is a measure of the resource usage, and these metrics are added up for all servers in the class. In addition, for the z/OS workload, the RMF measured CPU for each address space of interest is totalled and used as resource measure to regress onto the throughput observed (field R791TCPU of RMF record type 79 subtype one is used for this). A class is simply a group of servers intended to deliver the function to the application. The class name is intended to indicate the function provided (for example, TFIM_CLIENT). For each linear model, two coefficients are estimated. The Bias/Intercept is an estimate of the background resource usage, which is independent of the load applied. This load could be unrelated or overhead workload on a shared server or overhead workload on dedicated servers. For dedicated servers, this value is expected to be reasonably small as it should only reflect the overhead in managing and monitoring the workload. For shared servers, the value should ideally be reasonably low, and where this is the case, this indicates a reasonably controlled test environment (making the shared server behave like a dedicated server for the test duration). Where there is workload on a shared server/servers unrelated to the system under test during a test, the additional workload may confound the estimation of the Rate coefficient, making the required resource usage over or understated.

The Rate is the coefficient on the achieved load. This is usually the session rate or customer arrival rate, measure in customer arrivals per second. Depending on the NFT setup, a session would do either a chain of application functions on behalf of a single business/user-level function or may do a single function or operation. This distinction usually correlates to simulating end-users (multiple calls/operations within a session) or single function/call/operation within a session (system to system or device to device calls). In either case, the Rate coefficient is the session arrival rate achieved.

The interpretation of the Rate coefficient is that it is the resource cost in (one of) the appropriate metric for the server type, and hence is the estimated cost in terms that metric of a single session per second (or customer arrival per second).

Coef Description
Rate Resource usage per customer arrival per second.
Bias Load idependent rource usage or background load

Server classification from application landscape

Classification Server IP_Address OSType Description Hardware_Support Server_Support Application_Support SOURCE_FILE
LOAD LOAD0 Linux CML EcoSystem Patrick Hayward Patrick Hayward Patrick Hayward CMLEcoSystem_Server_Classification.csv
LOAD LOAD0_SNMP LinuxSNMP CML EcoSystem Patrick Hayward Patrick Hayward Patrick Hayward CMLEcoSystem_Server_Classification.csv
LOAD LOAD1 Linux CML EcoSystem Patrick Hayward Patrick Hayward Patrick Hayward CMLEcoSystem_Server_Classification.csv
LOAD LOAD1_SNMP LinuxSNMP CML EcoSystem Patrick Hayward Patrick Hayward Patrick Hayward CMLEcoSystem_Server_Classification.csv
MODEL MODELAPP0 Linux CML EcoSystem Patrick Hayward Patrick Hayward Patrick Hayward CMLEcoSystem_Server_Classification.csv
MODEL MODELAPP0_SNMP LinuxSNMP CML EcoSystem Patrick Hayward Patrick Hayward Patrick Hayward CMLEcoSystem_Server_Classification.csv
MODEL MODELAPP1 Linux CML EcoSystem Patrick Hayward Patrick Hayward Patrick Hayward CMLEcoSystem_Server_Classification.csv
MODEL MODELAPP1_SNMP LinuxSNMP CML EcoSystem Patrick Hayward Patrick Hayward Patrick Hayward CMLEcoSystem_Server_Classification.csv
NETWORK NETWORK Linux CML EcoSystem Patrick Hayward Patrick Hayward Patrick Hayward CMLEcoSystem_Server_Classification.csv
NETWORK NETWORK_SNMP LinuxSNMP CML EcoSystem Patrick Hayward Patrick Hayward Patrick Hayward CMLEcoSystem_Server_Classification.csv

Comparison of current tests to pooled earlier tests

The last test date in the summary data is used to delimit the prior tests from the tests in the last test session. This section compares the resource usage for each resource type and measure for each server group to the corresponding pooled reource usage and measire for the server group. The current test(s) are the tests performed on 2024-07-15. Resource uage metrics are pooled only where the corresponding \(p\)-value is demonstrates some confidence in the estimated coefficient.

Differences in resource usage

The following show the comparisons of the tests performed on 2024-07-15 as compared to the tests performed before this date. The tables are ranked in increasing order of the \(p\)-values from the corresponding Welch Modified Two-Sample t-Test (two.sided), starting from server group where the resource usage distribution differences are the greatest. Results are only shown for which the \(p\)-value is less than or equal to the cutoff value (\(\alpha\) = 0.05).

Test 1 - TermAppISO

Resource class: CPU

The following compares the Rate coefficent for the CPU resource usage differences from the test started at 2024-07-15 15:36:01 to the tests from previous test sessions.

Class Coef Count Metric Units Estimate Std..Error PrevCount PrevEst PrevSEM pvalue.d
MODEL Rate 69 cpu.cpu.system.user Percent single processor 0.914 0.024 210 1.535 0.039 0
LOAD Rate 69 cpu.cpu.system.user Percent single processor 0.201 0.004 210 0.218 0.003 0
## Loading required package: grid

Key Group
A MODEL Rate Percent single processor CPU Usage
B LOAD Rate Percent single processor CPU Usage

The following compares the Bias coefficent for the CPU resource usage differences from the test started at 2024-07-15 15:36:01 to the tests from previous test sessions.

Class Coef Count Metric Units Estimate Std..Error PrevCount PrevEst PrevSEM pvalue.d
LOAD Bias 69 cpu.cpu.system.user Percent single processor 1.947 0.132 210 1.093 0.053 0

Key Group
A LOAD Bias Percent single processor CPU Usage

Resource class: Network

The following compares the Rate coefficent for the Network resource usage differences from the test started at 2024-07-15 15:36:01 to the tests from previous test sessions.

Class Coef Count Metric Units Estimate Std..Error PrevCount PrevEst PrevSEM pvalue.d
MODEL Rate 69 sent bits per second 26358059.74 1507804.613 210 27030.93 376.708 0.000
MODEL Rate 69 recv bits per second 10898109.77 5289668.924 210 26554.58 206.210 0.000
MODEL Rate 69 sent bits per second 28279.64 841.872 210 27030.93 376.708 0.000
LOAD Rate 69 sent bits per second 14832.64 378.347 173 14398.51 89.881 0.000
LOAD Rate 69 recv bits per second 11491.42 669.800 210 12146.60 130.318 0.000
MODEL Rate 69 recv bits per second 26727.79 399.463 210 26554.58 206.210 0.001

Key Group
A MODEL Rate bits per second Network Usage sent
B MODEL Rate bits per second Network Usage recv
C LOAD Rate bits per second Network Usage sent
D LOAD Rate bits per second Network Usage recv

The following compares the Bias coefficent for the Network resource usage differences from the test started at 2024-07-15 15:36:01 to the tests from previous test sessions.

Class Coef Count Metric Units Estimate Std..Error PrevCount PrevEst PrevSEM pvalue.d
MODEL Bias 69 sent bits per second 6147403086.7 52760755.89 210 371328.5 9764.734 0
LOAD Bias 69 sent bits per second 105448.7 13239.03 210 297395.8 50783.534 0
MODEL Bias 69 recv bits per second 8739590008.7 185094891.27 210 196291.9 4527.647 0
LOAD Bias 69 sent bits per second 5338140626.8 169818825.32 210 297395.8 50783.534 0
LOAD Bias 69 recv bits per second 6285561870.9 224823568.97 210 173729.7 3236.294 0
MODEL Bias 69 recv bits per second 240350.4 13977.93 210 196291.9 4527.647 0
LOAD Bias 69 recv bits per second 235273.0 23437.48 210 173729.7 3236.294 0
MODEL Bias 69 sent bits per second 386815.2 29458.58 210 371328.5 9764.734 0

Key Group
A MODEL Bias bits per second Network Usage sent
B LOAD Bias bits per second Network Usage sent
C MODEL Bias bits per second Network Usage recv
D LOAD Bias bits per second Network Usage recv

Increases in resource usage

The following show the comparisons of the tests performed on 2024-07-15 as compared to the tests performed before this date. The tables are ranked in increasing order of the \(p\)-values from the corresponding Welch Modified Two-Sample t-Test (greater), starting from server group where the resource usage distribution increases are the greatest. Results are only shown for which the \(p\)-value is less than or equal to the cutoff value (\(\alpha\) = 0.05).

Test 1 - TermAppISO

Resource class: CPU

There are no significant increases for the Rate coefficient for the test that started at CPU when compared to the 2024-07-15 15:36:01 resource usage from previous pooled test results.

The following compares the Bias coefficent for the CPU resource usage increases from the test started at 2024-07-15 15:36:01 to the tests from previous test sessions.

Class Coef Count Metric Units Estimate Std..Error PrevCount PrevEst PrevSEM pvalue.g
LOAD Bias 69 cpu.cpu.system.user Percent single processor 1.947 0.132 210 1.093 0.053 0

Key Group
A LOAD Bias Percent single processor CPU Usage

Resource class: Network

The following compares the Rate coefficent for the Network resource usage increases from the test started at 2024-07-15 15:36:01 to the tests from previous test sessions.

Class Coef Count Metric Units Estimate Std..Error PrevCount PrevEst PrevSEM pvalue.g
MODEL Rate 69 recv bits per second 10898109.77 5289668.924 210 26554.58 206.210 0
MODEL Rate 69 sent bits per second 26358059.74 1507804.613 210 27030.93 376.708 0
MODEL Rate 69 sent bits per second 28279.64 841.872 210 27030.93 376.708 0
LOAD Rate 69 sent bits per second 14832.64 378.347 173 14398.51 89.881 0
MODEL Rate 69 recv bits per second 26727.79 399.463 210 26554.58 206.210 0

Key Group
A MODEL Rate bits per second Network Usage recv
B MODEL Rate bits per second Network Usage sent
C LOAD Rate bits per second Network Usage sent

The following compares the Bias coefficent for the Network resource usage increases from the test started at 2024-07-15 15:36:01 to the tests from previous test sessions.

Class Coef Count Metric Units Estimate Std..Error PrevCount PrevEst PrevSEM pvalue.g
LOAD Bias 69 recv bits per second 6285561870.9 224823568.97 210 173729.7 3236.294 0
LOAD Bias 69 sent bits per second 5338140626.8 169818825.32 210 297395.8 50783.534 0
MODEL Bias 69 recv bits per second 8739590008.7 185094891.27 210 196291.9 4527.647 0
MODEL Bias 69 sent bits per second 6147403086.7 52760755.89 210 371328.5 9764.734 0
LOAD Bias 69 recv bits per second 235273.0 23437.48 210 173729.7 3236.294 0
MODEL Bias 69 recv bits per second 240350.4 13977.93 210 196291.9 4527.647 0
MODEL Bias 69 sent bits per second 386815.2 29458.58 210 371328.5 9764.734 0

Key Group
A LOAD Bias bits per second Network Usage recv
B LOAD Bias bits per second Network Usage sent
C MODEL Bias bits per second Network Usage recv
D MODEL Bias bits per second Network Usage sent

Decreases in resource usage

The following show the comparisons of the tests performed on 2024-07-15 as compared to the tests performed before this date. The tables are ranked in increasing order of the \(p\)-values from the corresponding Welch Modified Two-Sample t-Test (less), starting from server group where the resource usage distribution decreases are the greatest. Results are only shown for which the \(p\)-value is less than or equal to the cutoff value (\(\alpha\) = 0.05).

Test 1 - TermAppISO

Resource class: CPU

The following compares the Rate coefficent for the CPU resource usage decreases from the test started at 2024-07-15 15:36:01 to the tests from previous test sessions.

Class Coef Count Metric Units Estimate Std..Error PrevCount PrevEst PrevSEM pvalue.l
MODEL Rate 69 cpu.cpu.system.user Percent single processor 0.914 0.024 210 1.535 0.039 0
LOAD Rate 69 cpu.cpu.system.user Percent single processor 0.201 0.004 210 0.218 0.003 0

Key Group
A MODEL Rate Percent single processor CPU Usage
B LOAD Rate Percent single processor CPU Usage

There are no significant decreases for the Bias coefficient for the test that started at CPU when compared to the 2024-07-15 15:36:01 resource usage from previous pooled test results.

Resource class: Network

The following compares the Rate coefficent for the Network resource usage decreases from the test started at 2024-07-15 15:36:01 to the tests from previous test sessions.

Class Coef Count Metric Units Estimate Std..Error PrevCount PrevEst PrevSEM pvalue.l
LOAD Rate 69 recv bits per second 11491.42 669.8 210 12146.6 130.318 0

Key Group
A LOAD Rate bits per second Network Usage recv

The following compares the Bias coefficent for the Network resource usage decreases from the test started at 2024-07-15 15:36:01 to the tests from previous test sessions.

Class Coef Count Metric Units Estimate Std..Error PrevCount PrevEst PrevSEM pvalue.l
LOAD Bias 69 sent bits per second 105448.7 13239.03 210 297395.8 50783.53 0

Key Group
A LOAD Bias bits per second Network Usage sent

Comparison of resource usage across tests

This section compares the resource usage between the NFT tests to date for each of the groups/servers in the classification list for which data has been collected.

In the box-plots that follow, in each case, the centre is the estimated value of the coefficient calculated for the particular test. The lower edge of the box is the corresponding estimated value less the standard error, and the upper edge of the box is the corresponding estimated value plus the standard error. The minimum and maximum values are calculated by taking two times the standard error values in a similar manner.

CPU Resource usage for LOAD by CPU Usage using cpu.cpu.system.user in Percent single processor

Server OSType Description
LOAD0 Linux CML EcoSystem
LOAD1 Linux CML EcoSystem

The following table shows the Rate coefficient values over the various tests performed. In this table the units of estimate are: Percent single processor.

TestDate Coef Estimate Std..Error t.value p.value Test
2023-10-11 Rate 0.287 0.009 31.225 0 TermAppISO
2023-10-12 Rate 0.188 0.008 22.821 0 TermAppISO
2024-03-20 Rate 0.207 0.002 96.018 0 TermAppISO
2024-07-15 Rate 0.201 0.004 53.513 0 TermAppISO

The following table shows the Bias coefficient values over the various tests performed. In this table the units of estimate are: Percent single processor.

TestDate Coef Estimate Std..Error t.value p.value Test
2023-10-11 Bias 0.887 0.088 10.056 0 TermAppISO
2023-10-12 Bias 0.650 0.080 8.127 0 TermAppISO
2024-03-20 Bias 1.264 0.075 16.936 0 TermAppISO
2024-07-15 Bias 1.947 0.132 14.783 0 TermAppISO

Network Resource usage for LOAD by Network Usage recv using recv in bits per second

Server OSType Description
LOAD0 Linux CML EcoSystem
LOAD1 Linux CML EcoSystem

The following table shows the Rate coefficient values over the various tests performed. In this table the units of estimate are: bits per second.

TestDate Coef Estimate Std..Error t.value p.value Test
2023-10-11 Rate 12645.34 399.450 31.657 0 TermAppISO
2023-10-12 Rate 11935.78 369.366 32.314 0 TermAppISO
2024-03-20 Rate 12067.31 137.274 87.906 0 TermAppISO
2024-07-15 Rate 11491.42 669.800 17.157 0 TermAppISO

The following table shows the Bias coefficient values over the various tests performed. In this table the units of estimate are: bits per second.

TestDate Coef Estimate Std..Error t.value p.value Test
2023-10-11 Bias 171587.3 3.836638e+03 44.723 0 TermAppISO
2023-10-12 Bias 172577.1 3.586502e+03 48.119 0 TermAppISO
2024-03-20 Bias 174611.2 4.758899e+03 36.692 0 TermAppISO
2024-07-15 Bias 6285561870.9 2.248236e+08 27.958 0 TermAppISO
2024-07-15 Bias 235273.0 2.343748e+04 10.038 0 TermAppISO

Network Resource usage for LOAD by Network Usage sent using sent in bits per second

Server OSType Description
LOAD0 Linux CML EcoSystem
LOAD1 Linux CML EcoSystem

The following table shows the Rate coefficient values over the various tests performed. In this table the units of estimate are: bits per second.

TestDate Coef Estimate Std..Error t.value p.value Test
2023-10-12 Rate 14367.67 369.686 38.865 0 TermAppISO
2024-03-20 Rate 14406.62 58.695 245.448 0 TermAppISO
2024-07-15 Rate 14832.64 378.347 39.204 0 TermAppISO

The following table shows the Bias coefficient values over the various tests performed. In this table the units of estimate are: bits per second.

TestDate Coef Estimate Std..Error t.value p.value Test
2023-10-11 Bias 1.359858e+06 2.881112e+05 4.720 0 TermAppISO
2023-10-12 Bias 6.425911e+04 3.589609e+03 17.901 0 TermAppISO
2024-03-20 Bias 7.171554e+04 2.034788e+03 35.245 0 TermAppISO
2024-07-15 Bias 5.338141e+09 1.698188e+08 31.434 0 TermAppISO
2024-07-15 Bias 1.054487e+05 1.323903e+04 7.965 0 TermAppISO

CPU Resource usage for MODEL by CPU Usage using cpu.cpu.system.user in Percent single processor

Server OSType Description
MODELAPP0 Linux CML EcoSystem
MODELAPP1 Linux CML EcoSystem

The following table shows the Rate coefficient values over the various tests performed. In this table the units of estimate are: Percent single processor.

TestDate Coef Estimate Std..Error t.value p.value Test
2023-10-11 Rate 0.543 0.052 10.537 0 TermAppISO
2023-10-12 Rate 5.346 0.202 26.444 0 TermAppISO
2024-03-20 Rate 0.801 0.022 36.955 0 TermAppISO
2024-07-15 Rate 0.914 0.024 37.696 0 TermAppISO

The following table shows the Bias coefficient values over the various tests performed. In this table the units of estimate are: Percent single processor.

TestDate Coef Estimate Std..Error t.value p.value Test
2023-10-11 Bias 2.993 0.495 6.043 0 TermAppISO
2024-03-20 Bias 2.924 0.752 3.891 0 TermAppISO

Network Resource usage for MODEL by Network Usage recv using recv in bits per second

Server OSType Description
MODELAPP0 Linux CML EcoSystem
MODELAPP1 Linux CML EcoSystem

The following table shows the Rate coefficient values over the various tests performed. In this table the units of estimate are: bits per second.

TestDate Coef Estimate Std..Error t.value p.value Test
2023-10-11 Rate 28037.96 599.560 46.764 0.000 TermAppISO
2023-10-12 Rate 26715.93 748.249 35.705 0.000 TermAppISO
2024-03-20 Rate 26111.56 187.170 139.507 0.000 TermAppISO
2024-07-15 Rate 10898109.77 5289668.924 2.060 0.043 TermAppISO
2024-07-15 Rate 26727.79 399.463 66.909 0.000 TermAppISO

The following table shows the Bias coefficient values over the various tests performed. In this table the units of estimate are: bits per second.

TestDate Coef Estimate Std..Error t.value p.value Test
2023-10-11 Bias 181549.1 5.758658e+03 31.526 0 TermAppISO
2023-10-12 Bias 194463.1 7.265410e+03 26.766 0 TermAppISO
2024-03-20 Bias 200754.1 6.488644e+03 30.939 0 TermAppISO
2024-07-15 Bias 8739590008.7 1.850949e+08 47.217 0 TermAppISO
2024-07-15 Bias 240350.4 1.397793e+04 17.195 0 TermAppISO

Network Resource usage for MODEL by Network Usage sent using sent in bits per second

Server OSType Description
MODELAPP0 Linux CML EcoSystem
MODELAPP1 Linux CML EcoSystem

The following table shows the Rate coefficient values over the various tests performed. In this table the units of estimate are: bits per second.

TestDate Coef Estimate Std..Error t.value p.value Test
2023-10-11 Rate 31570.63 765.171 41.260 0 TermAppISO
2023-10-12 Rate 26997.60 1300.297 20.763 0 TermAppISO
2024-03-20 Rate 25813.64 417.109 61.887 0 TermAppISO
2024-07-15 Rate 26358059.74 1507804.613 17.481 0 TermAppISO
2024-07-15 Rate 28279.64 841.872 33.591 0 TermAppISO

The following table shows the Bias coefficient values over the various tests performed. In this table the units of estimate are: bits per second.

TestDate Coef Estimate Std..Error t.value p.value Test
2023-10-11 Bias 322200.7 7349.323 43.841 0 TermAppISO
2023-10-12 Bias 399853.6 12625.744 31.670 0 TermAppISO
2024-03-20 Bias 377100.9 14459.923 26.079 0 TermAppISO
2024-07-15 Bias 6147403086.7 52760755.889 116.515 0 TermAppISO
2024-07-15 Bias 386815.2 29458.585 13.131 0 TermAppISO

Network Resource usage for NETWORK by Network Usage recv using recv in bits per second

Server OSType Description
NETWORK Linux CML EcoSystem

The following table shows the Bias coefficient values over the various tests performed. In this table the units of estimate are: bits per second.

TestDate Coef Estimate Std..Error t.value p.value Test
2023-10-11 Bias 1739981.7 297019.61 5.858 0 TermAppISO
2023-10-12 Bias 649969.9 77316.29 8.407 0 TermAppISO

Network Resource usage for NETWORK by Network Usage sent using sent in bits per second

Server OSType Description
NETWORK Linux CML EcoSystem

The following table shows the Rate coefficient values over the various tests performed. In this table the units of estimate are: bits per second.

TestDate Coef Estimate Std..Error t.value p.value Test
2023-10-11 Rate 548.35 308.792 1.776 0.084 TermAppISO

The following table shows the Bias coefficient values over the various tests performed. In this table the units of estimate are: bits per second.

TestDate Coef Estimate Std..Error t.value p.value Test
2023-10-11 Bias 11959.77 2965.893 4.032 0.000 TermAppISO
2023-10-12 Bias 11867150.94 4095643.993 2.898 0.007 TermAppISO

CPU Resource usage for NETWORK by CPU Usage using cpu.cpu.system.user in Percent single processor

Server OSType Description
NETWORK Linux CML EcoSystem

The following table shows the Rate coefficient values over the various tests performed. In this table the units of estimate are: Percent single processor.

TestDate Coef Estimate Std..Error t.value p.value Test
2024-03-20 Rate 0.049 0.025 1.944 0.054 TermAppISO
2024-07-15 Rate 0.515 0.194 2.657 0.010 TermAppISO

The following table shows the Bias coefficient values over the various tests performed. In this table the units of estimate are: Percent single processor.

TestDate Coef Estimate Std..Error t.value p.value Test
2023-10-11 Bias 2732466.466 590654.360 4.626 0 TermAppISO
2023-10-12 Bias 2934722.884 651780.421 4.503 0 TermAppISO
2024-03-20 Bias 11.806 0.871 13.557 0 TermAppISO

CPU Resource usage for LOAD by CPU Usage using ssCPUSystemUser in Percent of server

Server OSType Description
LOAD0 Linux CML EcoSystem
LOAD1 Linux CML EcoSystem

The following table shows the Rate coefficient values over the various tests performed. In this table the units of estimate are: Percent of server.

TestDate Coef Estimate Std..Error t.value p.value Test
2024-07-15 Rate 0.049 0.004 13.288 0 TermAppISO

CPU Resource usage for MODEL by CPU Usage using ssCPUSystemUser in Percent of server

Server OSType Description
MODELAPP0 Linux CML EcoSystem
MODELAPP1 Linux CML EcoSystem

The following table shows the Rate coefficient values over the various tests performed. In this table the units of estimate are: Percent of server.

TestDate Coef Estimate Std..Error t.value p.value Test
2024-07-15 Rate 0.236 0.007 33.305 0 TermAppISO

Session details

## R version 3.6.0 (2019-04-26)
## Platform: x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu (64-bit)
## Running under: CentOS Linux 7 (Core)
## Matrix products: default
## BLAS/LAPACK: /usr/lib64/R/lib/libRblas.so
## locale:
##  [1] LC_CTYPE=en_US.UTF-8       LC_NUMERIC=C              
##  [3] LC_TIME=en_US.UTF-8        LC_COLLATE=en_US.UTF-8    
##  [5] LC_MONETARY=en_US.UTF-8    LC_MESSAGES=en_US.UTF-8   
##  [7] LC_PAPER=en_US.UTF-8       LC_NAME=C                 
##  [9] LC_ADDRESS=C               LC_TELEPHONE=C            
## attached base packages:
## [1] grid      stats     graphics  grDevices utils     datasets  methods  
## [8] base     
## other attached packages:
## [1] pander_0.6.3    doBy_4.6.7      cmlrutils_1.19  XML_3.98-1.20  
## [5] scales_1.1.1    ggplot2_3.3.2   BSDA_1.2.0      lattice_0.20-38
## loaded via a namespace (and not attached):
##  [1] Rcpp_1.0.7       highr_0.8        compiler_3.6.0   pillar_1.4.6    
##  [5] rmdformats_1.0.0 class_7.3-15     tools_3.6.0      digest_0.6.25   
##  [9] evaluate_0.14    lifecycle_0.2.0  tibble_3.0.3     gtable_0.3.0    
## [13] pkgconfig_2.0.3  rlang_0.4.7      Matrix_1.2-17    yaml_2.2.1      
## [17] xfun_0.17        e1071_1.7-4      withr_2.2.0      stringr_1.4.0   
## [21] dplyr_1.0.2      knitr_1.30       generics_0.0.2   vctrs_0.3.2     
## [25] tidyselect_1.1.0 glue_1.4.1       R6_2.4.1         rmarkdown_2.6   
## [29] bookdown_0.20    farver_2.0.3     tidyr_1.1.2      purrr_0.3.4     
## [33] magrittr_1.5     backports_1.1.8  MASS_7.3-51.4    ellipsis_0.3.1  
## [37] htmltools_0.5.0  colorspace_1.4-1 Deriv_4.0.1      labeling_0.3    
## [41] stringi_1.5.3    munsell_0.5.0    broom_0.7.0      crayon_1.3.4